Web Changes Phase 1


Luke Trencevski (
Bottom Line Results

We are SmallDot. We combine our love for people, business, and strategy to provide robust creative solutions that make a difference.

This document contains confidential and proprietary information belonging exclusively to SmallDot LLC. By receiving or viewing this document you agree not to disclose, duplicate, distribute, publish, or execute, in whole or in part, any of the materials, designs, plans or concepts presented herein without the prior written consent of SmallDot LLC.

Estimate Details


Deadline (mm.dd.yy): 08.05.16, 08.06.16
Hours: 4.3 hours.

Delivery Estimate: 1 weeks.


(1x) Remove blogs from blog page, add full wide youtube embed$15
take youtube video and center it on the blog page. hide all blogs via category selection, create a new category for posts so these are only ones that show.
(1x) restore, replace and redirect order forms to respective sales pages.$20
Without modifying the forms, redirect them to specific sales pages after data is submitted. Restore these forms to their correct places on the site, as advised by the client. Check and configure form submission email notifications.
(1x) generate/implement facebook pixel$26
learn how to generate facebook pixel, direct client how to do so, embed resulting pixel into header of website.
(1x) Email opt-in embed$17
embed and test email opt-in form as provided by client.
(1x) Embed/reconstruct video with call to action (optimize press group page)$60
Embed sales video, code CSS to make content appear below video at 6 minute mark. Test.

Total: $138.00

Discounts applied: $0.00