You Am I Site - PHASE 1


Andrew Davis (
Geoff Hunt

We are SmallDot. We combine our love for people, business, and strategy to provide robust creative solutions that make a difference.

This document contains confidential and proprietary information belonging exclusively to SmallDot LLC. By receiving or viewing this document you agree not to disclose, duplicate, distribute, publish, or execute, in whole or in part, any of the materials, designs, plans or concepts presented herein without the prior written consent of SmallDot LLC.

Estimate Details


Phase 1 of a 3 phase build of You Am I online brand.

Deadline (mm.dd.yy): 06.08.16, 06.15.16
Hours: 28 hours.

Delivery Estimate: 7 weeks.


(1x) Home/Blog Teaser Page$
Home page featuring top slideshow in header and recent blog posts from the site.
(4x) General Pages$
About, Spotlight, Image Gallery (grid, click to view an image larger), Philosophy.
(3x) Synced Member Calendar$
Integrated calendar synced to a google calendar account belonging to YAI. Visible to MEMBERS only. Only YAI admin (staff,admin, employees) can post to it from the company gmail account. Future phases will allow members to post to it. There is a possibility in the near future we will build a system calendar into the website that will not sync with gCal.
(1x) Subscription System$
Allow people to sign up and pay to be a member on 3 different levels (Bronze $5, Silver $10, Gold $25) and also to subscribe as a business (Platinum). Subscribers are also added to a MAILCHIMP email list.
(1x) Blog Page$
Blog page with all public posts and excerpts with "Read More" button.

Monthly Services

Hosting $9.00/mo
5 GB on high-speed SSD drives. No visitor limits.* Host 3 websites. Host 3 domains. FREE SSL Certificate for the life of your plan. *Subject to monthly storage, and bandwidth limits where applicable in rare but extreme cases. Hosting services are separate from web design services. We cannot guarantee 100% uptime for any website hosted on our servers or any other hosting company’s servers you may be using.

Total: $0.00 | Total Monthly: $9/mo

Discounts applied: $0.00