Green Seed Online


Jamison Davis (
Green Seed Group

We are SmallDot. We combine our love for people, business, and strategy to provide robust creative solutions that make a difference.

This document contains confidential and proprietary information belonging exclusively to SmallDot LLC. By receiving or viewing this document you agree not to disclose, duplicate, distribute, publish, or execute, in whole or in part, any of the materials, designs, plans or concepts presented herein without the prior written consent of SmallDot LLC.

Estimate Details


Green - meaning environment, fair-trade, natural, non-GMO, sustainable etc.
Seed - meaning results-oriented and our approach of providing human and monetary capital in exchange of equity, sitting on the boards of our portfolio companies and really getting involved

Fully responsive clean, photography-rich website. "We love food." "We know food." - simplicity, big visuals and the overall elegance of it - David likes the FAQ section of this site and you will see I added an FAQ into the site map accordingly - iconography and simplicity of the visual information design in the approach section and the use of video - David likes the grid and the roll-over with blurb and wants this included in his new site
We can probably collapse the client section and the current portfolio/past portfolio section of the investment section into one shared client section
We will have a grid of clients logos. On rollover a blurb and then you can click through to a client detail page which will contain a link to that brands website
We will have a about 20 logos in total in the grid but only 4 case studies which David wants to be video driven (his words)

The site needs to have primary appeal to people like Phil Davis - promising young entrepreneurs in natural and speciality food companies pre-revenue in search of capital.
The site also needs to appeal to mature brands and international brands

The site needs to provide a locator to the other worldwide GSG offices via some kind of interface be a pull down menu or whatever
The over all design must connote the two over-arching principle of Green and Seed, let me explain….

Green - meaning environment, fair-trade, natural, non-GMO, sustainable etc.
Seed - meaning results-oriented and our approach of providing human and monetary capital in exchange of equity, sitting on the boards of our portfolio companies and really getting involved

In the section called Solutions - we have not fully decided how granular we should be but that will be fleshed out in a session next week for estimating purposes assume that will be a rich section with several pages of content and maybe even *some infographics* [NOT INCLUDED] and please note we will also need a PDF like the one I sent you.

visually rich, simple, powerful and inviting.

Deadline (mm.dd.yy): 08.05.16, 08.15.16
Hours: 84.8 hours.

Delivery Estimate: 21 weeks.


(1x) Migrate GSGNA to Hosthuski (other sites (domains) extra x $54)$99
Landing page, WP deployed and hosted on HostHuski, Fully responsive website framework
(10x) All Standard Pages (10)$2470.37
As provided in Sitemap, excepting Login, Clients, Location.
(10x) Client Grid and Linked Standard Pages$990
Client grid that links to Advanced and Standard Client cases (case study vs non-case study). Standard Contains light copy, some images, links. 1 revision. Estimate based on 16 non-case studies and the functionality of rollover info and linking as referenced in ECC site "Investments" reference. On rollover a blurb and then you can click through to a client detail page which will contain a link to that brands website
(4x) Client Case Studies$396
4 Expansive case studies. Ditto features of client portfolios. Copy-heavy. "Video Driven"
(2x) Locations Page$198
Locations page. Dropdown of locations. Office location profile shows with info for reading, link to visit site/more info. Similar but not comparable to Locations page on current GSG site. HTML build. Static.
(28x) Copy Editing Level 2, Over 20,000 Words$1666.66
Rigorous copy proofing and editing for website. 28,000 words (volume estimation, not limit)
(5x) Web Design and Revisions$1481.91
Design/production for any visual changes, styles or effects required for the site design. DOES NOT include graphic content (infographics, images etc)
(5x) Special CSS3 Coded Animations$495
Beautiful, smooth HTML5/CSS3 animation profiles for all pages (entrance, and roll-over emphasis).
(1x) Firm Overview PDF Design (Solutions)$296.38
Similar to
(2x) GSG Web Properties Extraction and Distribution$680
Discover, extract, backup and reconfigure GSG cpanel (all local web properties) from Davis Secure, onto HostHuski server. This includes all international site properties as well, organized foldered and distributed by domain TLD nationality. (via Client Cloud)
(1x) Client Cloud File Storage Fee$223
Organized cloud storage and online access for GSG files and site backup folders. Up to 10 GB for up to 6 months. Stored on SmallDot's PRIVATE Client Cloud cloud server platform.

Monthly Services

Hosting $9.00/mo
5 GB on high-speed SSD drives. No visitor limits.* Host 3 websites. Host 3 domains. FREE SSL Certificate for the life of your plan. *Subject to monthly storage, and bandwidth limits where applicable in rare but extreme cases. Hosting services are separate from web design services. We cannot guarantee 100% uptime for any website hosted on our servers or any other hosting company’s servers you may be using.
Wordpress Maintenance Platinum $93.00/mo
  • Incorporate Wordpress auto-optimize plugin to work with WP Super Cache plugin.
  • Compress and optimize images on site.
  • Compress and minify CSS files, JS files, and HTML without breaking the site.
  • Limit or disable WordPress revisions
  • Optimize site performance to minimize server load and boost traffic capacity.
  • We'll secure, manage, and maintain (from behind the scenes) your Wordpress site so you don’t have to! These services mitigate need for support. We send a detailed maintenance report every month.
  • Core Updates - We perform updates to the WordPress core as they become available for your site's stability and security.
  • Plugin Updates - We update your active plugins.
  • Anti-Spam - We remove/empty spam comments and do what we can to prevent more from showing up later. Highly recommended if you have a Blog.
  • Optimize - We optimize site for performance and page load.
  • Security - We optimize site for security against hackers or bots and scan the site for threats.
  • Daily backup of your website database on server and in the cloud as your go-to fail safe.

Total: $7,274.82 | Total Monthly: $102/mo

Discounts applied: $1721.50